The Young Girl and the Monsoon

The Young Girl and the Monsoon is a 1999 comedydrama film from Monsoon Productions and starring Terry Kinney and Ellen Muth. Writerdirector, James Ryan, won Best Screenplay and the Gold Medal at the Wine Country Film Festival in 2000 for the film.

The Young Girl and the Monsoon centers around a fraught relationship between father and daughter. Hank a 39yearold photojournalist Kinney has agreed to look after his 13yearold daughter Constance Muth for several weeks, while his exwife goes on a holiday with her new husband. Hank has compartmentalized his life in such a way that his daughter doesnt know anything about his 26yearold girlfriend, Erin Avital. Suddenly Erin wants to marry Hank and have his children, but he cant cope and drops her.Just as Hank has a chance of winning a prestigious journalistic award, he finds his private life a little too much to handle. His daughter cannot understand how he can take war photographs and not do anything about what he photographs. She is going through the emotional swings of a growing adolescent and the scenes between father and daughter, Kinney and Muth, are seen as the most impressive aspect of the film. ........

Source: Wikipedia